
Time Management – Are You POSITIVE You Know What You’re Doing?


As college students, the word ‘time’ is a scarce thing. If you aren’t in class, you’re either catching up on sleep, eating, watching Netflix, studying for that exam you pushed off to the last minute or in one of many club meetings you have throughout the week. Time management, if done correctly can make your life a whole lot easier and can be a POSITIVE thing.

Prioritize! Make a list of everything you have to get done. Rate, on a scale of 1-5, (1 being of the most importance and 5 being least important) then plan the day around your classes or the things you have to get done.

Own! Take ownership of what you have to get done. Don’t let your tasks fall by the wayside but rather, complete it as soon as you get it. That way, you have time to figure out your schedule and when can be a good time to work on it rather than at the last minute.

Schedule! Schedule time; this can be done daily, weekly or monthly. It can also be as easy as printing out your class schedule and penciling in when you take breaks, eat or have club meetings. Having a schedule on hand not only allows you to be organized throughout your day but allows you to plan for upcoming weeks with anything you may have due (tests, papers, and homework assignments) to get done.

Itemize! Create a “To Do” list. This is great on a whiteboard. For example, each week write down the homework assignments, quizzes, tests or projects due for each class. This is great to do in college because it’s simple, inexpensive (markers and whiteboard) and you can visually see what you’ve completed or still need to do.

Tackle! Tackle procrastination – it’s okay to doze off or day dream or even, browse social media. However, it’s not okay to have things to get done and not be able to do that because you’re procrastinating. Nip procrastination in the butt and get your work done so you can relax rather than work later.

Ignore! Just like studying for finals week, make sure you eliminate distractions when you have something to get done. Take a break from social media sites (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) and unplug yourself for a good hour or so. This is a time for you to get things done so try your best to avoid and minimize distractions.

Visualize! Close your eyes, tap into your subconscious and visualize the success of completing a task at hand. It may sound silly, but visualizing a task creates a cognitive dissonance, allowing for messages to be sent to your brain that you are not giving up on a specific goal. Another reason to visualize the completion or outcome of something is good because we enter that mindset and belief that it’s achievable.

Enjoy! You’ve successfully accomplished your time management goals, ignored distractions and worked hard. It’s time to reward and enjoy yourself for your achievements.

Do these tips help you handle your time management? Let us know in the comments below.

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